Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is my Dad's 78th birthday. My Dad died on August 22, 2009 and not a day goes by that I don't think of him and miss him. I was fortunate enough to have the most amazing Dad. My twin sister Kelly and I were born in 1966, an era where Dads were not all that involved with raising their children. Most Dads left that to the stay-at-home Mom. My Dad never did that. I remember going to old bookstores with my Dad when I was 4 years old in search of rare books. He never hesitated to take us places without our Mom and didn't mind that he had to chase 2 little twin girls around. He loved it! When my parents divorced my Dad wanted shared parenting at a time when shared parenting didn't exist. Luckily, I also had a Mom who realized how much my Dad loved us and wanted to spend time with us. When we were with our Dad we went to church, had lunch (but not White Castle- long story), spent time with my Grandma and saw every Disney movie. It wasn't that difficult to find a G rated movie in the 70's so we saw lots of movies. As I got older, I discovered that I was quite a lot like my Dad. I loved books, movies and being busy. That was my Dad in a nutshell. He worked up until his death and he wouldn't have had it any other way. My Dad also shared my love of Harry Potter (if not surpassed it) and attended midnight book release parties and midnight movies. He even dressed up when we asked him too. He would come to my house several times a week and we would watch TV (he loved The Closer), chat and eat pizza. Some of my favorite memories of my Dad were of us just sitting on my porch swing and chatting about whatever came to mind. I could talk with him for hours. I would give anything to have another 5 minutes with my Dad to tell him what a great Dad he was and how crazy I was, and still am, about him. My heart aches to see him again and I don't think that will ever go away. I have never met anyone who was as special as my Dad. Happy Birthday Daddy!

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